Thursday, July 17, 2008

youth mission trip to cambodia

we spent 6 days in cambodia with 8 youth and 2 other adults on a mission trip with Foursquare Children of Promise. our goal: to paint the inside and outside of one of their orphan homes in Battambang Province. our bigger goal: to introduce our students to service and deeper relationships with the Lord. we definitely accomplished the bigger goal, and sort of accomplished the first goal!

here's a bunch of pictures in no particular order

*Grant scaring the geese - also known as the Pharisees, according to one student.

**Sharon having a thumb war with a student

**Olin and the guys

**the Our Kcheay orphan kids praying a blessing over us as we prepared to leave

**Olin and Grant behaving VERY well...

**the Our Kcheay home, prepainting

**the Our Kcheay home post-painting!

**our team

**Distributing clothes we brought from HK

**Playing lots of frisbee

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